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Software Updates

The RazorERP purchase order tool allows you to import massive lists of inventory into a PO, map custom fields, and bulk receive the product in.

The RazorERP purchase order tool allows you to import massive lists of inventory into a PO, map custom fields, and bulk receive the product in.


Our purchase order import tool now has the capability to map custom fields.  Imagine taking a spreadsheet of inventory with various specs, importing the list into a new purchase order, creating new attributes on the fly, and bulk receiving the equipment into the system in just minutes.

How much time will this save your team?  Click here to watch the full video.

New Support Center at RazorERP

The Razor Support Team released a new support center.  Check it out here


Tutorials – Helpful product tutorials with videos and step-by-step article guides

Frequently Asked Questions – Repository of frequently asked questions from pre-sales inquiries to best practices

Troubleshooting Guides – Documentation on common issues or errors with troubleshooting techniques

Product Updates – Stay informed about our upcoming product builds and release notes.

Training – Follow tutorials in sequential order for excellent training flows and onboarding.

Submit Tickets – The Razor Service Desk is our customer portal for submitting support tickets.  Anyone can sign up.


You can use our new email triggers to send us support tickets.  If you are experiencing a problem, email a report ticket to help@razorerp.com.  If you have a general question, email questions@razorerp.atlassian.net